“We have pure air, common-sense, digestible food, quiet in the bedrooms at night, the finest orchestra outside of New York and Boston, a great organ, and an atmosphere where refined people and busy business men with their families find great cofort and a good time.” ~From the 1916 Maps and Road Book of Western North Carolina.”

For more information please see the following:

  • Bruce E. Johnson, Built for the Ages: A History of the Grove Park Inn, 1991.
  • “Built without an Architect: Architectural Inspirations for the Grove Park Inn,” in May We All Remember Well: A Journal of the History and Cultures of Western North Carolina, ed. Robert S. Brunk, 1997.

Online Resources


Grove Park Inn Digital Heritage Moment from Digital Heritage {dot} Org on Vimeo.

Grove Park Inn Interview from Digital Heritage {dot} Org on Vimeo.

Below is the Digital Heritage Moment as broadcast on the radio:

[audio:http://dh.wcu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/GrvPk-60-mix.mp3|titles=GrvPk 60 mix]