The Mountain Heritage Center was created by Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina, in 1975. Combining a museum with a research center, it preserves the history and culture of western North Carolina in a time of rapid change. Its exhibits draw upon its collection of 10,000 artifacts to create vivid 3-dimensional representations of mountain life in the past. Slide shows and videos complement the gallery exhibits. Lively traditional music programs and craft exhibits offer fun-filled and hands-on opportunities to museum visitors. On the last Saturday of every September, the Center’s Mountain Heritage Day presents an authentic fall harvest festival with a full schedule of music, crafts, games, and contests to tens of thousands of visitors.

Mountain Heritage Day, held each year on the last Saturday of September is one of the biggest events at Western Carolina University. It is also an important part of community life in the region. Visit the Mountain Heritage Day Website.

The Mountain Heritage Center, located on the campus of Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, celebrates the natural and cultural heritage of the southern Appalachian region. Through exhibitions, publication, educational programs, and demonstrations, you’ll discover the rich traditions of the mountains, see the Appalachian region from new perspectives, and come away with an enhanced understanding of its land, culture, and people.


For more information please see:


Mountain Heritage Day from Digital Heritage {dot} Org on Vimeo.

Below is the Digital Heritage Moment as broadcast on the radio:
