3-5, K-2, Science
In today’s world of television and video games, this site is an attempt at instilling in our students an awareness of the enjoyment which can be found among our abundance of beautiful , diverse trees here in the mountains. […]
3-5, High School, K-2, Middle Grades, Technical-Vocational
This unit is designed to direct students on the path of a career choice for a promising future in the job world. To help students identify and search for their ideal career. To show them what type of jobs are a good match for them and what types of jobs they should avoid. […]
3-5, English/Language Arts, Information Skills, K-2, Middle Grades, Social Studies
This is a grade 1-8 unit on one-room schools in Haywood County. It will include the first school to the present. This unit takes eleven days and covers computer skills, language arts skills, and social studies skills. It includes some art, and cooking activities. […]
3-5, Computer and Technology Skills, Information Skills, K-2, Social Studies
Many pioneers did not know how to read or write. Nevertheless, they had to know many skills that the average person today does not know. Visit our pages and see some skills a pioneer had to know to survive.
Computer and Technology Skills, English/Language Arts, Information Skills, K-2, Social Studies
Agricultural Pride in Macon County is designed to help students recognize the impact that agriculture has on the community in which they live. Students will learn that changes from the past to the present have had a major effect on the agriculture. […]
Art, Computer and Technology Skills, English/Language Arts, Information Skills, K-2, Math, Science
No bald in the Southern Appalachians has a more improbable history than Hooper. In the more than 130 years of white-man history it has been reachable only by foot horse wagon, or jeep. Yet it had the first bathtubs in Graham County. […]